Sunday, 3 February 2008

Missing posts - Friday 01/02

Sorry there have been a few posts missing, but my USB cable has been broken and I had to find another one from somewhere! Here is the photo from friday though.
I've started looking at the differences between food and my attitude to food at uni, and how its different from when I'm at home. The first thing that came to mind was how and where we eat dinner at uni. At home I was always made to sit around the table with the whole family with no television, whereas here we all sit in my friends bedroom on her bed whilst watching soaps! I also thought about the food I eat here, and the food I used to eat at home. Obviously the food at home was a lot nicer, as it was my parents buying it rather than me! So I've decided to try and make some of my favourite dishes from home and compare them with 'typical student food'. Im looking forward to having some nice food for once!

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